DH electronics GmbH
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TOP 100-innovator

TOP 100-innovator

Date : 29. November 2021

Überlingen - Ranga Yogeshwar today congratulated DH electronics GmbH from Bergen on its success in the TOP 100 innovation competition with a personal video. In addition, the science journalist honored the achievements of this year's TOP 100 companies at a joint online conference today, Friday. The occasion was the TOP 100 finals, which were originally planned as a face-to-face event. Ranga Yogeshwar is mentoring the innovation competition, which is being held for the 28th time. In the scientific selection process, DH electronics made a particular impression in the size category A (up to 50 employees) in the category "Innovation-promoting top management". This is the second time that the company has been among the top innovators.

The TOP 100 company portrait published on the occasion of the award states (excerpt):

"First they were used in spaceships, today you encounter them in smart buildings or in car washes: so-called embedded systems are mini-computers that can take over a variety of tasks, such as measuring, controlling and regulating. As a full-service provider, DH electronics develops embedded systems for building and industrial automation.

Forward-looking technologies such as artificial intel-ligence, robotics and autonomous systems are an important factor. "We have already been researching the topic of 'artificial intelligence' for five years in order to build up know-how in this technology. Now we are ready to implement the first practical applications together with selected lead customers," says Managing Director Stefan Daxenberger. Such pioneering work together with customers requires a strong partnership: "We have to trust each other to try out new things and take the next step," says Managing Director Helmut Henschke."

Click here for the complete portrait: www.top100.de/die-top-innovatoren.

TOP 100: the competition
Since 1993, compamedia has been awarding the TOP 100 seal of approval to medium-sized companies for special innovative strength and above-average innovation success. Since 2002, scientific management has been in the hands of Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke. Franke is the founder and director of the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Vienna University of Economics and Business. The mentor of TOP 100 is the science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar. Project partners are the Fraunhofer Society for the Promotion of Applied Research and the BVMW. As media partners, ma-nager magazin and impulse accompany the company comparison. More info at www.top100.de.

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