TOP 100 has been the only benchmarking for innovation management in Germany for over 25 years. Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke from the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration and his team are responsible for the scientific management of the project. Together with mentor Ranga Yogeshwar, TOP 100 selects the most innovative companies.
Five test criteria are used for the evaluation:
As a full-service provider, DH electronics develops embedded systems for building and industrial automation. The System on Modules are used for measuring, controlling and regulating. Touch panel computers enable interaction between man and machine. With IoT gateways as the third product family, the connection of systems and devices can be realized. Thanks to a modular system, the company can quickly and easily offer its customers individual solutions based on standard products.
Technological visions of the future
Forward-looking technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems are an important factor. That's why not only is a large team of software developers working in-house on the major digital key technologies of our time, but the management is also clearly focusing on new technologies: "We have already been researching the topic of 'Artificial Intelligence' for five years in order to build up expertise in this technology. Now we are ready to implement the first practical applications together with selected lead customers," says Managing Director Stefan Daxenberger.Brilliantly networked
~ Official TOP 100 press release
Such pioneering work together with customers requires a strong partnership: "We have to trust each other to try out new things and take the next step," says Managing Director Helmut Henschke. Particularly when it comes to applying new technologies, his team therefore wants to specifically take customers along with them in order to think beyond current products. For example, a customer's idea for an electric cleaning cart turned into the vision of jointly exploring the possibilities of Autonomous Systems and Robots for the cleaning industry. DH electronics also has excellent networks with universities and partner companies, in many research projects and at industry meetings. These good relationships, coupled with the courage to embrace new technologies, are very clear success factors for innovation.
After the first award in 2019, we deliberately took a year to take up the ideas and suggestions from the innovation review and implement them at DH electronics.
We are all the more pleased to have received the award for the second time in 2021. This time, we focused on the top management, whereby we understand this to mean not only the management but also an entire group that works not only in but also on the company. In particular, we have installed innovation management as a separate entity at our company and have intensively addressed the question of how innovation can be promoted in a targeted manner.
"We are proud of our second award in a row and feel it confirms us on the path we have taken as a team." - Stefan Daxenberger & Helumt Henschke
This is exceptional: DH electronics no longer offers customer projects at fixed prices. Instead of being presented in rough cost blocks, as they used to be in the company's offers, all individual measures are now presented on an hourly basis. In addition to the expected expenditure, each quotation includes the requirements profile, all planned milestones up to the realization phase and the associated costing.
Full cost control
The high level of transparency is possible for this medium-sized company because all internal processes are very clearly defined and the procedures are extremely well documented. Added to this is the vast experience gained from 28 years in the project business, thanks to which certain problems can be identified in advance. Instead of charging risk premiums, as is usual with fixed-price offers, the company provides its customers with full information about the moderating project management and the methods used in the process. As a result, clients have full cost control from start to finish, are always aware of the correlation between the planned and actual status of the project, and can pull the ripcord in good time if necessary. This can be immensely reassuring.Trust as added value
~ Official TOP 100 press release
Honesty is a very important value for Managing Director Stefan Daxenberger. "Anyone who knows me knows that I am a straightforward guy. For this reason, we even disclose our profit margin, but then it's non-negotiable. Anyone who doesn't appreciate this transparency is simply not a good fit for us," he says. Especially in first-time customer meetings, he experiences how much the disclosed pricing excites people and is perceived as added value. "Our approach creates trust among prospective customers, and trust in turn is the basis for long-term cooperation," reports Managing Director Helmut Henschke. Just how successful DH electronics is at this is demonstrated by the numerous business relationships that have existed for many years in the vast majority of cases.
We decided to participate in the TOP 100 competition for the first time in 2019. Our motivation for participating was the comprehensive benchmarking based on the detailed questionnaire, which allows us to assess our innovation activities in an industry comparison. The detailed evaluation as part of the innovation assessment gives us good pointers for improving step by step in the five test categories.
After focusing on the area of "Innovative processes and organization" in 2019, we will concentrate on our innovation-promoting top management in the next step.
"The fact that we made it into the TOP 100 most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany in our first application confirms the innovative strength of our team." - Stefan Daxenberger & Helmut Henschke